Wednesday, March 10, 2010

some of it leaving today!!!!

where was I yesterday ,some of you may be asking...working my little brush being a very busy Bee. In about a half hour from now 9 of 10 panels will be leaving for their permanent home. The elevator is being installed on Friday and it will be easier to get the mural up before that.
Here on the bottom is panel 9 done. On the top is the beginning blocked in Panel 10 Lunenburg town. There is a lot of work to do on the top panel, not that the others were easy but this one has a lot of detail which Chuck will be lending a hand with today. I want this top panel to be a story board a collage of sorts, trying to get in as much of Lunenburg's unique and interesting attractions. Another couple days and this one will be done and we will get this last panel to Lunenburg to be installed with the others..whoppi!!! to see what she looks like up and I will share with you then.
I think I might be sad to see her leave but it will be nice to get my house back.


  1. I can't believe you're almost finished already! Amazing work Deb ... whatcha gonna do now?

  2. DRINK!!!! LOL
    working on Lunenburg today..tiny detail on houses Bum is sore..may have to run to Frenchies for a break.
