Saturday, February 13, 2010

first day with paint

These photos are not in order...please use your can figure it out... :-) first photo is panel one..the smallest of ten, next one two,ready for tomorrow.

well it is 6:15 Sat. 13 Feb., i am clean ,washed all the paint off myself for the day, have I ever mentioned? I am a messy painter? Check out my painting cloths sometime. I do believe I clean up rather well when need be. First day with paint to board and we had to move a lot of product from my Gallery into to the rest of the very small house we live in, always something to make life interesting .

So, back to the task at hand, "The Mural"

In the photos above is the first piece , bottom of the ocean,the narrow bottom piece finished , primed and ready for another day ,Then Chuck priming the pieces, aren't I kind with the camera? sorry ole boy....LOL... You will notice all the photos are backwards in sequence, I will get better at this as I go along, hopefully...stay tuned , for better days ahead .Next is the bottom piece before completion,. You also see the blued board is resting on what is my easel for this project , our old Church Pew from the Anglican Church in Mill Village,covered carefully of course...special easel indeed. A Church that since has been sold, taken apart and rebuilt piece by piece somewhere else. We, I am sure sat on this actual Pew many times in the past after moving to Charleston in 1985. We were the youngest people every Sunday in the congregation in the Church and Clay our toddler son literally had the run of the place and you might say learned how to walk in this Church, yes another story for another day. So the Pew is my easel on this project . We are putting in a couple hard Long days in the beginning, until we figure out all the lumps and bumps and then we will take time and breath easier in the days to come once we get a routine down. Those who may have seen us out trying to walk and exercise in these past few Months, see you later Gaiter....LOL

Now I will end this evening and maybe in days to come I may not be so wordy but do check back and see it as it progresses, I will do my best to communicate daily with photos if not words.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!!! Chuck and I decided we will take today Valentines Day off, we have a little janitor job and after that we will visit our Dear friend's in the Village and their new puppy!!! now that will inspire us.

1 comment:

  1. Verrrrrry interesting! You're off to a great start Deb. You really have the old lobster pots down pat. The undersea looks just great ... half expect a wolf eel to pop out from behind that pot. (they give me the creeps ... met one up close and personal while scuba diving over off NewfieJohn) LOL
