Saturday, February 20, 2010

closer still and where she is headed!!!

Well I did get some detail in yesterday on my ship, coming along indeed. I will get a few strokes in today but I am forced to be domestic at times and guess what? today is one of those days. Our boy is headed home for a Birthday Mug up celebration.
I suggested ordering in Pizza, but no that won't do, so I am forced, even though I Love him so much, I am still forced to set down my paint brush and pickup a spoon.
Time now to share with you exactly where this Mural will be headed when completed.
It will be put on the wall in the shaft where a glass elevator will be installed in the Cranberry Addition to the Mariner King Inn at 11 King Street in Lunenburg N.S. A little something useful and interesting to help service their Clientele.
Very exciting indeed, I believe I can say it is a first for Lunenburg and should be another attraction for an already interesting Town, as is all our Maritime Towns, Liverpool right up there with the rest, so when in the neighborhood, do drop by .
Last night we had a couple friends drop over and we all drummed up a storm, great way to get your "Willies" out and clean the air for another week as I see it. So cute because they brought their dogs and even our "Eddie" had Birthday company for Feb 16th was his Birthday.
So off I go , a late start this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Avast ye maties! Patrols be damned! We've holds afloat with Demarera rum and haven't sailed over yon devil's banks to be held at anchor by the do goods of Lunenburg! Full sails and arm the canons, for we shall deliver this liquid gold! Arrrrgggghh!
