Monday, June 28, 2010

Meeting is a blessing for sure..

Meet ,Mary Ann and Dave ....

Well , I have been busy getting ready for Canada Day and Privateer Days this coming weekend. Today Monday June 28th the Heaven's opened with down pours of rain. We cleaned the house ,taking advantage of the cooler weather . Some friend's dropped in with company from away , nice of them to bring them here to visit and take a look at my art and share some laughs. Being such a dreary day , I didn't expect to see many people . Chuck had a lot of running around to do for me and he was outside doing something when I heard him say" stay there ,can my wife take a picture"? well, I heard him not knowing what he was talking about ,but I grabbed the camera anyway and ran to the front to see and meet a wonderful couple in their early 60's who are travelling on bicycles from Ontario( google )--- "Mary Ann and Dave's Bike Trip out East ...and back "and follow along with them.

I have said this many times before ,how we believe people are sent to us and we to them, I love it when that happens, it makes my day and my Summer to meet such nice Folk's, our Teacher and Nurse last week, my Helicopter Guy's a couple weeks before, and so on and so on and now Mary Ann and Dave. People like this inspire me , they give a good feeling and make our day when we get to say Hi and in most cases share a energy hug , full of Blessings and a Thank yous for the Memories of a very nice World and People in it ...besides the not so joyful news. Makes it all worthwhile. We offered them our out back "Bunkhouse" their tent and every part of them were wet. Unfortunately we don't have an extra bedroom..otherwise we would have dried them out here, but they need to get all their gear inside and dried out for another day on the road tomorrow , so we directed them to Lanes ... Safe trip Kid's , God's speed....
It is now Tuesday morning and I will assume that Mary Ann and Dave had a dry night under cover . The weather ahead looks good for them for the next so many days.

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